Tuesday, October 17, 2023

California to introduce traffic speed cameras which fine motorists for the first time ever

California to introduce traffic speed cameras which fine motorists for the first time ever.

Short summary :
California drivers will not be smiling for the camera. Six cities in the Golden State will install speed cameras at busy intersections as soon as next year after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a new law authorizing a speed-camera program — the first time they have ever been allowed in the state.

California drivers will not be smiling for the camera. 

Six cities in the Golden State will install speed cameras at busy intersections as soon as next year after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a new law authorizing a speed-camera program — the first time they have ever been allowed in the state.

The cameras are slated to be installed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Long Beach, Glendale and San Jose with the stated goal of addressing the uptick of pedestrian deaths in the state.

“Speed is by far the largest reason why people are being hit and killed on our streets in Los Angeles,” Damian Kevitt, the executive director of Streets are for Everyone, told local TV station KTLA.

We have an increasing problem of traffic violence. We have an increasing number of people who are dying or being seriously injured. You see it on the news every night

Security cameras are attached on a pole below a traffic signal as pedestrians walk along Rodeo Dr. in Beverly Hills. The city of Beverly Hills has in recent years added hundreds of cameras to its already widespread surveillance network.

Speed was blamed as “by far the largest reason why people are being hit and killed on our streets in Los Angeles.”

“It requires signage ahead of the cameras that show that this is an area where if you don’t slow down, you’re going to get a ticket. This is not a gotcha sort of thing. This is a deterrent. It’s a way to say, ‘Hey, people, slow down.’” 

Community members must sign off before the cameras are installed in areas near school zones and areas known for racing and a high-volume of traffic collisions. Around a dozen previous bills to introduce speed cameras have all failed.

The cameras will automatically ticket drivers who exceed the posted speed limit by 11 mph. Motorists will get a warning for the first ticket, but will be fined $50 for a second offense.

Low-income drivers would only be fined $25, according to the bill.

Los Angeles had tried a similar program before in 2004, installing cameras to fine people running red lights in high-traffic areas throughout the city. The city council unanimously decided to abandon the program in 2011, according to the Los Angeles Times.

City traffic engineers said the cameras sometimes did more harm than good as drivers would slam on their brakes when they saw a yellow light as they approached the intersection, causing rear-end accidents.

The city of Los Angeles has decided to shut down all of their 32 red light photo cameras on July 31, 2011. The red-light photo enforced intersections relied on the good will of the ticketed to pay the fines. The infractions were not enforced by the courts since traffic officers oftentimes were not able to testify in court.

The city also couldn’t keep up with the task of tracking down drivers who didn’t pay or appear in court for their violations. Some motorists also complained the tickets were mailed to the registered owners of the vehicle instead of the driver who actually drove the car.

Legislators have tried to pass the bill, but failed three prior times over the past six years, with people objecting that cameras invade drivers’ privacy.

Other critics also were concerned drivers in low-income communities would be burdened by citations that residents can’t afford.

This time around, lawmakers amended the bill, which now allows those who have lower incomes to opt to perform community service instead of paying fines, according to the New York Times.

Speed-camera programs are already in use in other cites like Chicago and New York, where officials said their camera program has reduced speeding by 73%.

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